01 Feb Pau Codina, new member of the Esbjerg Ensemble
Violoncellist Pau Codina has joined the classical chamber music ensemble Esbjerg Ensemble, in residence in Denmark. The musician from Osona is a member since las January 2019 and has engagements through next June.
L’Esbjerg Ensemble brings together a versatile repertoire of different styles and works in innovative and educational projects. Currently the ensemble consists of ten musicians (a string quartet, a wind quintet and percussion); it was the first chamber music ensemble in Denmark, established in 1967 by the Ministry of Culture, and it often works with national educational institutions and contemporary authors.
In the first concert of the year, Codina performed the String Quartet num.1 by György Ligeti.
Other projects
Besides this new residency, Pau Codina is on tour with Trio Fortuny (Bardolet/Heredia/Codina) in within the Xarxa de Músiques de Joventuts Musicals de Catalunya, he is also a member of the group Cellophony, and among his next concerts as a soloist we would like to highlight the two performances that will take place in Barcelona next 7 and 8 March, in the context of the festival Barcelona Obertura Spring Festival. Codina will perform J. S. Bach and G. Cassadó at the former jail site Model and at the Casa Batllo, respectively.
Thursday 7 March, 20.00h *
Presó Model. Carrer Entença, 155. Barcelona / Program: Bach (Suites) / * Shared concert with Jaume Guri (violin)
Friday 8 March, 21.00h
Casa Batlló – Hall ventre del drac (attic). Passeig de Gràcia, 43. Barcelona / Program: Bach and Cassadó